The Castle Gardening, a View throught the Keyhole

The coach house can rightly be called the Green Headquarters; the historic building from 1828 once served as a shelter for the royal fleet. Today it is the depot for the castle gardeners. Every tree, shrub and flower on the 40 hectare site is lovingly cared for by our head gardeners and their dedicated team.

Castle Gardening

The Bayerisches Staatsbad Bad Brückenau has made numerous efforts over the last few decades to ensure that our actions become more sustainable step by step. Each department contributes to achieving the common goal of a sustainable economy. For the castle gardening, sustainability means careful use of natural resources, but also the avoidance of environmentally harmful products and applications. Careful planning and preventive measures help ensure that sustainability goals can be achieved in the best possible way.

Targeted and dosed irrigation helps us save water. The irrigation system installed in 2010 is controllable. The 15 km long drip hoses help ensure that the water reaches the roots of the plants in small drops. This means that the loss due to evaporation or drift is reduced because the water can immediately penetrate into the ground.

Watering in the cool morning or evening hours also helps reduce evaporation.

Producing your own leaf compost is also an important point of sustainability. For this purpose, the leaves in the castle park are collected every year and temporarily stored in the old moor storage area for composting. The well-decomposed compost is ideal for mulching tree discs, rose and flower beds. Organic enrichment also improves our soils. In this way, we close a cycle and give the castle park back organic material and nutrients that we previously removed.

We also refrain from using peat or peat-enriched substrates. Therefore, only peat-free substrates are used for planting bed and balcony plants and our flower beds are improved with our own leaf compost. A higher proportion of humus in the soil helps to store water better and supports soil organisms and microorganisms in the soil.

We forego chemical-synthetic plant protection products in favor of preventive plant protection, for example by promoting and using beneficial organisms, selecting species and varieties appropriate to the location, timely soil cultivation and balanced organic fertilization. Only biological products that are harmless to people and nature are used.

We use zero-emission work equipment and transport vehicles. These include, for example, our battery-operated hedge trimmers, leaf blowers and pruning shears. Another advantage is the lower noise pollution of battery-operated devices and vehicles.

Only together (spa administration and guests) can we succeed in reducing waste, which is why we began in 2020 to create a waste concept that meets the needs of our guests and our standards of sustainability. For this purpose, the number of 32 garbage containers was reduced to just 6 garbage containers. With this measure we have already been able to reduce a third of the waste that would otherwise be generated. The success proves us right and we are particularly pleased that our guests also contributed to the success thanks to their awareness and great understanding.

An inventory of all benches in autumn 2007 showed that there were 165 benches in nine different designs. Some of them were in such poor condition that repairs and refurbishment were impossible. As a result, a new furniture concept was created and, after a lengthy test phase, 62 white benches based on historical models were purchased. In the course of this, all locations were checked and determined for user-friendliness. Finally, the number of benches in the outdoor areas was reduced, so that there are now a total of 80 bench locations in the park. In addition to the benches, visitors to the castle park also have the opportunity to relax on a total of 40 historic deck chairs. Except for ten benches, all white furniture goes into dry winter storage. The winter months are used for repairs and painting.

The aim of tree inspection is to identify dangers caused by trees in a timely manner and then, if the danger exists, to eliminate it immediately or to temporarily close off the danger area until the source of danger has been eliminated. Tree inspection can also determine whether a tree is developing into a future hazard. It is carried out once a year in summer when the trees are leafy. The security and vitality of a tree can best be seen when it is leafy. The vitality can be recognized by the foliage (size of the leaves, leaf color) and the proportion of dead wood in the tree. Cavities, collision damage and fungal infestation also have an impact on safety. In order to reliably determine the tree species and the location of the trees, each tree has a number. After many of the trees that were numbered at the time were felled for various reasons and many trees were replanted, a new numbering took place at the beginning of 2016. The park is divided into 5 sections (A, B, C, D, F). In these areas the trees have now been numbered consecutively. Each sign on the tree now contains the letter of its area and the consecutive number. In total, around 1,000 trees received a new number. The digital tree management system was purchased in 2018 to document tree inspection. The digital tree management system provides a quick overview of dangerous trees (with fungal infestation or cavities), which are then checked separately once a year. In the future, all data from previous tree inspections will be available on site for each tree using a tablet, which ensures a good overview of the progression of damage to the trees. The documentation makes it easier to prove that the requirements of the general traffic safety obligation have been observed. After the tree inspection, the result is digitally summarized in a task list. The trees on which a measure needs to be carried out are listed here (e.g. removing dead wood, installing crown protection on valuable trees). These measures are advertised and carried out in cooperation with the Schweinfurt State Building Authority.

Do you have any questions, are you planning a visit or are you interested in one of our offers?

Don´t hesitate to contact us.
